
The Hope Cup:
Tribute to Zhou Guozhen

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Flowers for Zhou Enlai
on his birthday, 2024

Deng Yingchao

Honoring her 120th Birthday,
born February 4, 1904

in Nanning, Guanxi Province

Revolutionary writer, leader, liberator of the women of China
Strong advocate of international peace and
Lifetime wife, companion and partner to Premier Zhou Enlai

You are so rare. We will never forget you!


Families of Peace

A Call to Leadership
November, 2023

Throughout history, heroes have exemplified peace in their lives, often against great odds. Their leadership has blessed the world with indelible words, images and inspiration:

Martin Luther King, Queen Lili’uokalani, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Zhou Enlai.

These great souls have opened up miracles and evolutionary leaps: freedom, justice, non-violence, compassion, forgiveness and vision.

Today we humbly celebrate, honor and remember these heroes for a new generation. We also project their principles forward into the future, and seek guidance in a world challenged for peace.

This moment calls for courageous, principled leadership
in the practice of peace.

About the Heroes of Peace,
and the Families of Peace behind them

Renewal of China-U.S. Relations

Video Gallery

Complete Event Program: People’s Diplomacy (PDF)

The Story
The event, the people, the words: Families of Peace

Press Release

The Xian Incident

An essay from the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute, published by
the Zhou Enlai School of Government
at Nankai University, Tianjin

click here
for the Abstract, including link to the final published Essay

Celebrating the 125th Birthday of Zhou Enlai

University of Maryland:
Chinese Graduate Students Summit
December 3-4, 2022

Commemorating the life of

Yunzhen Hou,
family member of Zhou Enlai
and founding friend of the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute

click here
to learn more

Three Events Coincide:

Shanghai Communiqué,
Zhou Enlai Anniversary,
Beijing Winter Olympics

< Details >

University of Hawaii
Center for Chinese Studies Seminar Series, November 2021

“Understanding China”

Complimentary Presentation by the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
in cooperation with the University of Hawai’i
November 10, 2021

“Stories of China’s First Premier, Zhou Enlai —
reflecting back, and looking forward
to China in the 21st Century”

More detailed information


In recognition and respect for the passing of Zhou Enlai, China’s leader for peace, 1976.

Portrait of a Peacemaker as a Young Student

Video Animation

An animated film from Huaian tells stories of the youth of China’s peacemaker, Zhou Enlai —
when his ideas and heart were shaped by great and tragic events.

Open Letter
from the people of America to the people of China

On October 1, 1949, history was made in Beijing. A new nation drew breath for the first time, in the bright expanse of Tienanmen: The People’s Republic of China.

The creation of a massive new country, born of the struggle of war, invasion and revolution, is a rare event. It is an act of will and faith. It requires heart and action from all the people.

…more ->

Memorial Celebration

International Press Report

Youth — Reflection on Zhou Enlai, 2020
“…the faith deep in my heart  will never change.”

Watch Music, Video

A spring day in Shanghai; leaves opening, trees blooming.

An occasion to visit and remember China’s unparalleled peacemaker, Premier Zhou Enlai, at his original residence in Shanghai. At the grand old home, the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute welcomed 24 students from Changning Middle School in Shanghai for a day of education, discussion and inspiration.

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Celebrating the 120th Birthday of Zhou Enlai
United Nations International Peace Day

The Right to Peace: Three Celebrations
International Peace Day at the United Nations


Three important celebrations converged at the same time and place in September 2018. They were interrelated in significant and fascinating ways.

The general public of New York City, and the United Nations community, participated in the international celebration of these events, dedicated to peace in our world. The time: September 21 and 22, 2018. The place: United Nations headquarters, New York City.

The occasion: United Nations International Peace Day.


Program and Catalog

(PDF download)
Book Publication, Schedule, Delegations,
Benevolence Art Gallery, Student Delegation



CCTV Feature News Story

(Video and Transcript)

1. Exhibition: a story of the passion of modern China
Premiered at the State Capitol, Honolulu Hawai’i

2. Anniversary Celebration Luncheon

3.  Seminar on Business Ethics
at Chaminade University

In the Footsteps of Zhou Enlai

preview trailer

History is always rooted in the personal: it is a story told by an author with an individual voice, about the people, places and events that shape our world.

“In the Footsteps of Zhou Enlai” is a story never before heard, following the life journey of Zhou Enlai, one of the great figures of modern history.

supportthe film, “In the Footsteps of Zhou Enlai”

…more ->


*35 Years of Building Peace

The Growth of US-China Diplomatic and Trade Relations

In 1979, formal diplomatic and trade relations were re-established between the United States and China, after a gap of nearly 30 years. In 2014, we celebrate the 35th anniversary of that milestone of peace and business with a high-level forum in Los Angeles.

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The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute:

recognizing the life and achievements
of a hero of modern China

Zhou Enlai is one of the great figures of modern history.  He made vital contributions to peace, for China, America and the world.  As Premier and Foreign Minister of China from 1949 to 1976, Zhou Enlai opened the face of China to the world and established a top priority:  friendship with all people.

Only a few people have made transforming, positive contributions to the world in the past century.  Without them, key events in history might have unfolded differently. Among these giants are Mahatma Gandhi, who brought freedom to India with non-violence; Nelson Mandela, who liberated South Africa with reconciliation; and Martin Luther King, who set the highest standard for equality in America.

But there is no comparable figure from modern China, the world’s largest nation, who has achieved the highest level of international heroic recognition and respect.

The Zhou Enlai Peace Institute will change that perception.


images and artwork copyright, TIME magazine

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